# Self compacted concrete is a material that flows, placed into formwork and compacted under the influence of self weight only, without vibration. 

# It can be used in the situation where vibration is difficult and reinforcing steel is highly congested in case of pre-stressed beam. 

# It adequately fills voids without segregation and bleeding, without vibration. 

# Well graded cubical or rounded coarse aggregate are desirable, as they minimize cement paste content as well as admixture dosage.

# The maximum size of aggregate is generally limited to 20 mm. for mass concreting maximum size of coarse aggregate is limited to 50 mm.

 # Total fine content of fines (150») has to be high about 520 to 560 kg/m3. 

#  It is used in Delhi metro project for dome construction, tunnel lining, column casting.

 # It requires less labors, hence economical. * Advantages of self compacting concrete. No vibrations is requires, placement of concrete eas tìmo good hond between.

 # It is used in Delhi metro project for dome construction, tunnel lining, column casting. 

# It requires less labors, hence economical. 

Advantages of self compacting concrete.

No vibrations is requires, placement of concrete easier, reduces the concreting time good bond between concrete and reinforcement igh durability & strength.