All Laboratory test with IS code 


IS Code:

IS code stands for Indian Standards code. It is a series of technical standards developed and published by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), a national standards body in India.

The IS codes cover a wide range of technical subjects such as engineering materials, construction practices, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, food and agriculture, and many more. These codes provide guidelines and specifications for the quality, safety, and performance of various products, materials, and processes.

The IS codes are used by industries, government agencies, and individuals to ensure that products and services meet certain standards and specifications. They are also used in research and development, testing, and certification of products and materials. Compliance with IS codes is often mandatory for certain products and services in India.

Cement All Test IS Code:4031-1988

IS:4031 Part 1- Determination of Fineness  test of cement
 IS:4031 Part 2- Determination of physical test on hydraulic cement
 IS:4031 Part 3 -Determination of specific gravity  test of cement
IS:4031 part 4 -Determination of  standard constancy test of cement
 IS:4031 Part 5- Determination of initial and final setting Times  test of cement 
 IS:4031 Part 6- Determination of  compressive strength of cement motor cube test of cement
IS:4031 part 7-Determination   of comp --ressive strength of masonry Cement  test
IS:4031Paet8 -Determination of transverse and compressive strength of plastic  motor using prism
IS:4031 Part9-Determination of heat of hydration test of cement
IS:4031 Part 10Determination of  drying shrinkage test of cement
IS:4031Part 11-Determination of  density
  test of cement
IS:4031part12-Determination of air content of hydraulic cement mortar
IS:4031Part 13-Determination of measure -ment of water refefivify of masonrycement
IS:4031Part14-Determination of false set
IS:4031 part 15 -Determination of Fineness  test of cement by wet seiving method

IS:4032-1985  determination of chemical test of cement.

 Soil All Test IS Code-:2720

  IS:2720 Part 1 -soil sampling
IS:2720 Part 2 moisture content of soil
 IS:2720 Part 3-Determinationof specific gravity of soil
  IS:2720 Part 4- Determination of grain size analysis  of soil  (GSA)
IS:2720 part5-Determination of liquid limit ,plastic limit and PI  test of soil
IS:2720 Part 6-Determination of shrinkage factor test  of soil
IS:2720 Part7-Determination of max dry density  or  water content dry density of soil using light compaction
 IS:2720 Part 8 Determination of Max dry density test of soil using  heavy compaction
IS:2720Part9-1992-dry density moisture content relation constant mass of soil matter
IS:2720part10-1991- Determination of unconfined compressive strength
 IS:2720Part11-1993- Determination of the shear strength parameters of a specimen test
IS:2720Part12- Not Available
IS:2720Part13- Determination of direct shear test  of soil
IS:2720Part14-  Determination of density index test
IS:2720Part15-Determination of consolidation properties
IS:2720Part16-Determination of CBR or
  California bearing ratio  taste of soil

 IS:2720Part17  Determination of permeability test of soil
IS:2720Part18-Determination of Field moisture equivalent
IS:2720Part19-  Determination of centrifuge moisture equivalent
IS:2720Part20- Determination of linear shrinkage
IS:2720Part21- Determination of total solutile solids
IS:2720Part22- Determination of organimatter
IS:2720part23- Determination of calcium carbonate
IS:2720Part24- Determination of cation exchange capacity
IS:2720part25- Determination of silica sesquioxide ratio
IS:2720Part26- Determination of PH value
IS:2720part 27- Determination of total soluble sulphates
IS:2720part28 Determination of field dry density by sand replacement method
IS:2720Part29- Determination of field dry density by core cutter method
IS:2720part30- Laboratory vane shear test
IS:2720part31-Field determination of CBR
IS:2720Part 40- Determination of free soil index test of soil
IS:2720part 41-Determination of swelling pressure of soil test

Bitumen All IS Code:1201-1220

 IS:1201-Determination of bitumen sampling
 IS:1202-Determination of specific gravity of Bitumen
 IS1203-Determination of pentration test of bitumen
  IS:1204- Determination of reside of specificed Pentration test of bitumen
 IS1205- Determination of softining point test of  bitumen
part1   industrial  viscositytest
Part2  absolute viscosity test
part 3-kinematic viscosity  test
 IS:1207 Determination of Equiviscosity temperature  test of bitumen
 IS:1208 Determination of Ductility test of bitumen
IS:1209-Determination of flash point and fire point
IS:1210 -Determination of float test of bitumen
IS:1211 -D. of Water content test by  dean and Stark method
IS:1212- Determination of  loss on heating  test of bitumen
IS 1213 -Determination of Distillation test of bitumen
IS:1214  not available
IS:1215 -Determination of matter insoluble in toluene
IS:1216 -Determination of solubility in carbon disulphide
IS:1217 -Determination of mineral matter( ash)
IS:1218 -Determination of phenols
IS:1219 -Determination ofnaphthalene
IS: 1220 -Determination of Volatle  matter content

Coarse Aggregate all IS code -:

 IS: 8623 Part1- flake index  and Elongation  index test
 IS 8623 Part 2-estimation of deleterious  material  and organic  impurities
IS 2386 part 3 - specific gravity ,   water absorption, voids and density
IS 2386 part 4 -Average  impact value or   crushing strength
IS 2386 Part 5 -Soundness test
IS 2386 Part 6 -Measuring motor making properties of fine aggregate
IS 2386 part 7- Alkali  aggregate reactivity
IS 2386 Part 8- Petrographic examination

 Test on steel reinforcement-:

 1.chemical test or  spectro analysis Fe

 Carbon              (c)            %
 sulphur              (s)           %
 magenese.        (Mn)        %
 phosphorus.     ( P )         %
 S+ P.                                    %
C. E.                                      %

2.Mechanical Test or  Tensile Test of Steel bar

Unit weight test ( kg/m)
Yield /proof strength YS
Ultimate tensile strength UTS
Elongation( %)
Location of fracture

3.Bend and Rebend test (180D-135D)


Test on concrete -:

 A). Fresh concrete

 1.workability of concrete
 2. slump testing of concrete
 3.density testing of concrete
 4.temperature testing of concrete
 5.air voids content of concrete
 6.compactor factor test
and more...

B). Hardened concrete

1.Compressive strength of concrete or cube testing
2.Flexural strength of concrete or  beam     testing
3.Tensile strength of concrete
4.Air content of concrete
5.Density of concrete
6.Water absorption and voids
and more..

Test on Bricks-:

1.Water absorption test of   bricks
2.Compressive strength test of bricks
3.Shape and size ,colour test of bricks
4.Soundness test of bricks
5.Hardness test of bricks (scratch)
6.Under  structure test of bricks
7.Impact value test of bricks
8.Efforesencc test  of bricks
and more...

 Test on concrete blocks -:

1.compressive strength test of blocks
2.size and shape test of  blocks
3.deamination test of block
and more...